Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Thumbs Up for Game Nights and Love

a kind of random one but I just though it today at work and figured...why not??? So this saturday night! 7:30 ish....GAME NITE!!!! at me and Gidget's apartment!!!! in Fresno!

So I know lots of you live far away...but Indy, Montana, Dash, Gidget and I (the fresno locals) will be there...Frodo will also be in town...Coach and Clutch are making the drive...so i figured if anyone else just feels like a road trip or can try and hitch a ride with ppl that are traveling this way go for it! come! we will have a blast! and you are more than welcome to fight over our futon or settle for our floor....(i mean, you can spend the nite, if you want)...

I LOOOOVE love lovelove love loVE lOOOOve love you all and would LOVE LV love looove love love love lovelovelove LOOOVEE to see you...so if it works out thats legit! if not, it was worth a try! peace out!

lovelovelove- Novalicious


.:freckles:. said...

I WISH WISH WISH WISH I could come.. :( I miss you all lots and I hope you have an amazing weekend!

julia said...

Oh holy crap I would SO be there if I was on spring break!

Slider said...

If my private jet wasn't in the jet shop i would for sure fly down!

Maverick said...

wow, cool. how about you guys do another ridiculously great idea where only five people can show up? i have an idea... why dont we have a come see mav. night? i miss you guys so much, its just not fair :(

enjoy the night of festivities

Casey said...

hey now mav....i said it was a long shot...i just figured why not? geezo just cause you live in freakin Minnesota(?)...i have another great idea...how about everyone moves to Fresno and we can start a commune!!!! eh? eh? EEhhhhhhhhhhhh???