Sunday, October 19, 2008


is what NEEDz to happen. so ladies and gentlemen, what the heck is going on in your life right now? tell me, tell them, tell everyone! because I, and everyone else i'm sure, want to how is school? work? roommates? love interests? tell us tell us tell us tell us!
love- Novalic...


julia said...

Well hey there family!!

Right now, I'm sitting in class. At 8 AM. You see, little miss Salsa has nursing school four days a week starting at the ungodly hour of 7:30. Although it puts a cramp on my sleep schedge, it's all good because I honestly absolutely love it. I'm learning how to take blood pressure and how to not kill someone in a hospital setting. It's kind of like playing make-believe, and it's great!

I'm an RA at school this year, which as you all know I was freaked out about. But it's been amazing. God has totally handpicked the girls out to be a support to me in my studies and my emotions and they are just such a wonderful blessing to my life. I am humbled and excited and so blessed-- seriously.

This weekend, Munchkin, Gromit, Slider, Dutch, and I are having WA reunion 2008!!! We wish you guys could all come but I guess since we're all the weird Northerners we gots to get together anyways!! We're a little more than excited.

I love you all. I miss you. I want to be back in my Mount Hermon home and play with you!! But until then, I pray that every single cell in your body is happy, every single cell in your body is well WOO!!


Banjo said...

have so much fun sals... i wish i could be a part of the northerner's reunion... but i'm DEFINITELY a southerner, stuck in the south at the moment... blah.

i'm so busy i could burst... school 5 days a week, part-time coaching job (which feels more like full time), and keeping a long-distance relationship healthy! its a lot to have on one plate! and the plate doesn't have much room to begin with! ha!

but God is good... to be honest, i've been feeling as dry as a desert, spiritually, and i've been realizing that through my dry spell, God is there, and He is as good as ever.

Casey said...

i love you girls so much! and am praying for you and your different challenges and growings that are happening!

I'm good. Been through some insanely awkward, crazy, fast and unbelievable transitions since we parted ways at the end of summer.

was livin' with dash's 'rents for a while while me and Gidg looked for an was so amazing of them to open their home to us, but really left me unsettled for a good month or so there with my 'stang still filled to the brim with my stuff...and was frantically applying, looking, interviewing for jobs like ALL OVER the place!

Now...Have an awesome apartment and it is so fun to have Gidg here, love it. Also working not just 1 but TWOOO jobs...hostessing at the cheesecake factory and working at Victoria's Secret (gasp, i know...) and school is so easy i could sleep through my classes and still pass.

also, after tons of talking, lots of praying, and God kind of bonking me on the head a few time to get me to let go of insecurities from past failed summer and Huck are dating. And it's Awesome, I am so joyful about our relationship everyday of living and he lives 3000 miles away, which gives me so much hope for the future and when he doesn't live 3000 miles away.

I am just being blessed in so many ways, challenged in ways that could only happen by taking this big step out of my comfort zone, and loving the security of having no idea what is coming next yet having a peace that passes understanding in know that God does and He will guide me, hold me, and care for me no matter what.

Banjo said...

oh my gosh nov! you and huck!!!!! GAH that's crazy talk... where is he from?

Casey said...

he is going to Messiah university in Pennsylvania, origionally from new mexico, and may be moving closer in the new future because he's not happy with Messiah or the education he's getting there, so we'll see what happens :)