Tuesday, October 27, 2009

please pray!

Hi all,

I'm writing with a heavy heart because people I love are hurting. My friends and neighbors the Prices lost their home today. There was a freak explosion and their house caught on fire very suddenly. Will, who is my age, was close to home and ran inside to grab their dog Tucker and his golf clubs. Everything else is gone.

I thank God that the Prices were not home and not hurt, that even though it was windy a forest fire did not start (especially with my house and the Allen's living next door), and that the Prices are in a solid, loving community. They are OK and staying in a Mt. Hermon cabin right now.

Please pray for Jayne, Rich, and Will Price (and also Flip or Barrett who used to work Day Camp- he's older and living in Sweden now). Will was especially shaken up, since he ran inside the burning house. Please pray for the neighbors too, especially Heidi and my sister Sarah who heard the explosion and had to rally help and think about packing up their houses just in case the fire spread.

Love to you all,

1 comment:

Banjo said...

i will be thinking and praying for them... i saw that flip wrote about it on his facebook. that's so terrible. thanks for the information smiles!