Tuesday, March 23, 2010


this is banjo's first summer without day camp for 4 years. all i can say is that i'm feeling so sad... i will miss the people who know my heart better than most. i love you all!


Gromit said...

I miss you Banjo. You will always be a part of Day Camp no matter what! We love you!

julia said...

Praise Jesus that we have New Year's. We can't let the tradition die!

Also, we all need to come to the same week of Family camp when we grow up.

I'm praying for joy for you this summer, Banj.

: ) Smiles ( : said...

I miss you too Banjo dear! Ditto Salsa- I pray that God surprises you with blessings and brings you joy this summer. And you must come visit if you are in the area! It is a summer of moving to other parts of life (and camp) for so many of us.

Much love Banjo, and the rest of you all!
( :

Banjo said...

thank you guys so much... i'm just now seeing these responses.

grom, sals, and smiles... thanks for the sweet encouragement. love you.