Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hola Amigos

Hi friends, 

I am very excited about this new blog (and also that Spiff is engaged!!). Labor Day camp and Hispanic camp were fun but I'm missing a bunch of you who couldn't come.

Here are some memories from this weekend:
-Accidentally knocking Karl the mannikin over (and watching him break into his many pieces) as I attempted to hold his hand
-Theme skit (model style) where Yoda (Nova in the creepy Yoda mask) dragged off the models (Sunshine and me) one by one... The end!
-Eating the most amazing Pazooki ever with Salsa, Nova, and Bumpersticker
-A group of four 5/6 graders who were too cool for school and the one little dude who couldn't stop crying after seeing Yoda
-The little girl who puked- how precious!

Yay for real life now! I start my first shift at Peet's tomorrow. You all are welcome to come visit me in Mount Hermon this year!! ( :


Casey said...

it was the fisrt time i've ever made kids cry! it was insane! i was even a little scared of me...

Banjo said...

oh smiles! work it at Peets! what a fun job... enjoy it... you will be the nicest barista they've ever had!

warning: people tend to get picky and moody when ordering coffee... especially if they don't order from Peet's much...

love you smiles!