Monday, September 8, 2008

Missing you..

Guys, I miss you. Seriously. I started school again and as much as I love all my friends here it's just so different, there just isn't the bond we all have from working so closely all summer long and... It's just sad. But I've been thinking about you all a ton and Grom I promise I've tried to send you the answers to that email like 10 times, but the internet doesn't work in my room yet so it still hasn't happened yet.. But still, I love you guys and I hope you're doing well. --Freckles.

1 comment:

Gromit said...

Frecks! I miss you too! It sucks we all live so far away from each other. I'm home alone doing nothing for the next week so if you ever want to chat I've got nothing but time on my hands.

Love you lots!